#fairly easy. Get Problems 1 and 2 and you have a 3 (B-) def fixedVowels(s) """prec: s is a string postc: returns True if s has six or more characters and if the characters at index 1,3, and 5 are all vowels (aeiou).""" return False def rollUpWindows(rainy, hot, windy): """prec: rainy, hot, windy are all booleans postc: True if is is rainy or windy. If it is hot but not rainy or windy, return False. """ return False # medium def assassin(aList): """ prec: aList is a list of distinct numbers of length at least 4 postc: removes the three largest numbers in the list Note: this DOES NOT return the altered list, it changes the original list. It leaves the reamining elements in their original order. See test code below.""" return #medium def fishInFile(fileName, word): """ prec: word and filenames are strings post: if the file filename fails to exist, return False if it does exist, return True if the string word is a substring of the file's contents.""" #medium def maxwellSmart(x): """prec: x is a nonempty list of integers postc: return the largest number in x NOTE: do this recursively. You may *not* use Python's max function to solve this problem, but you may use if for testing.""" #medium def oddProduct(n): """prec: n is a nonnegative integer. post: return the product of the first n odd positive integers. """ return 0 #medium def biggestSine(listOfFloats): """prec: x is a list of floats. postc: returns the largest sine of the list of floats""" return 0 #hard def sumFrom(number, listOfNumbers): """prec: number is an integer listOfNumbers is a list of integers postc: return True if there is a sublist whose sum is number """ print("***************Testing sumFrom*******************") print("PASS" if sumFrom(100, [1,3,5,7,9,11,13]) else "FAIL") print("PASS" (not if sumFrom(16, [2, 13, 28 40])) else "FAIL") print("PASS" (not if sumFrom(17, [2, 2, 4, 8, 40])) else "FAIL") print("PASS" if sumFrom(16, [2, 2, 4, 8, 40)) else "FAIL") print("***************Testing assassin******************") x = [-4, 10, 9, 7, 5, 6] assassin(x) print("PASS" if x ==[-4, 5, 6] else "FAIL") x = [32, -10, 5, 4, 20, 6] assassin(x) print("PASS" if x ==[-4, 5, 6] else "FAIL")