###################Problem 1############################## def countWords(s): """ countWords("I eat cake") -> 3 countWords("") -> 0 countWords("To be or not to be, that is the question.") -> 10""" pass def checkFileForWord(fileName, word): """ fileName is a string if the file does not exist, return False if the file does exist, check for word being a substring of the file; if you find it return True and return False otherwise""" pass ###################Problem 3############################## def weaveStrings(s,t): """ weaveStrings("cat", "dog") -> "cdaotg" weaveStrings("nasty", "cow") -> "ncaoswty" weaveStrings("cosmic", "eat") -> "ceoastmic" """ pass ###################Problem 4############################## def areAnagrams(s,t): """ s and t are strings return True if s and t are anagrams, case INSENSITIVE areAnagrams('space', 'Capes') -> True areAnagrams('spatter', 'parsers') -> False areAngrams('dog', 'log') -> False""" pass ###################Problem 5############################## def isPerfectNumber(n): """ n is a positive integer and n >= 2 n is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors. 6 has proper divisors 1,2,3 so isPerfectNumber(6) -> True 12 has proper divisors 1,2,3,4,6, which sum to 22, so isPerfectNumber(12) -> False Hint: You might want to write a helper function sumOfProperDivisors(n) """ pass ###################Problem 6############################## def containsEmbeddedWord(word, searchField): """ word is a string of letters searchField is a string returns True if the letters in word can be found in order in the string searchField. This is case-insensitive containsEmbeddedWord("abcd, "abcessed") -> True containsEmbeddedWord("foot, "flounder of trust") -> True containsEmbeddedWord("dequeue", "defend the queen") -> False""" pass