Complex numbers z = a + bi where a, b are real numbers (doubles) re(z) = a (reeal part of z) im(a) = b (imaginary part) To visualize, associate a + bi with (a,b) addition: a = 5 + 2i b = 6 - 3i a + b = 5 + 2i + 6 - 3i = 11 - 5i Combine like terms, and i terms are unlike non-i terms. subtraction: a - b = 5 + 2i - (6 - 3i) = -1 + 5i subtract and combine like terms. Mind the parens!!!! multiply key fact: i^2 = -1 a*b = (5 + 2i)*(6 - 3i) = 30 - 15i + 12i - 6i^2 30 - 3i + 6 36 - 3i FOIL then use the fact taht i^2 = -1. If z = a + bi is a complex number, we define the conjugagte of z by conjugate(z) = a - bi. Let's go fission for a reciprocal 1 (a - bi) a - bi ----------- = ---------------- = -------------- a + bi (a - bi)(a + bi) a^2 + b^2 a b = ----------- - i ------------ a^2 + b^2 a^2 + b^2 When is the RHS defined? provided a + bi is not 0 + 0i. absolute value of a real number is the distance of a real number to the origin. Same for complex numbers. |a + bi| = sqrt(a*a + b*b) theorem: Every complex polynomial can be factored into linear factors a = 7 + 24i What is |a| z = 3 + 4i w = 5 +12i z + w = 8 + 16i z - w = -2 - 8i z*w = 33 + 56i 63 16i z/w = -- - --- 13 13 |z| = 5 |w| = 13