Housekeeping On Thursday there will be a quiz on Chapter 1. It will be weighted towards lists and tuples, but I can ask about pretty much anything we have done. There will be no Chapter 1 material on this quiz.

Recursion and the Call Stack (this and next time)

Learn the facts of life about return statements.

Are you confused about Return vs. Print?

There are two principal blocks of memory in a program. This is a very prudent investment of your time. These diagrams are extremely useful. You will see Kris using type hinting.

What's in a stack frame? The stack frame stores a return address so that when it returns, the caller resumes execution right where it left off. It also stores the parameters and local variables. Because a stack frame is abandoned when its function returns, all local variables die on return.

Parameters vs. Arguments Consider this program.

def square(x):
    return x*x
print(square(4 + 7))

The value 4 + 7 inside of the call to square in the main routine is an argument to the function. Arguments can be expressions. When a function is called, all arguments are evaluated. Since 4 + 7 = 11, the function square will receive this value and bind it to x. To see this, let's do some spying.

def square(x):
    print(f"Right after square begins:  {locals()}")
    return x*x
print(square(4 + 7))

We see that we have the parameter x → 11 in the local symbol table for square.

So, all arguments are evaluated prior to being passed to the function. What is actually stored on the stack it the heap address of the value that is the result evaluating the argument's expression. If the argument is just a variable, then a copy of the heap address of the variable's object is sent to the function being called.

A List Mystery: Dangers of Mutability

A Reprise: Aliasing

Copying a list