/************************************************** * Author: Morrison * Date: 01 Mar 2022 **************************************************/ import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator; import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator; public class RPNCalc extends Application { private TextField display; private NumberButton[] numButtons; private IStack theStack; private boolean doneEntering; private GridPane keyPad; private enum Mode{DEG, RAD} private Mode mode; private static final double RAD2DEG; private static final double DEG2RAD; static { RAD2DEG = 180/Math.PI; DEG2RAD = Math.PI/180; } public RPNCalc() { mode = Mode.RAD; //default is radian mode doneEntering = false; keyPad = new GridPane(); theStack = new AStack<>();//NOte: display is top of stack display = new TextField(); display.setStyle("-fx-font-size:16pt;-fx-font-family:'Comic Sans MS';-fx-text-weight:bold;"); display.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT); //right justify display. numButtons = new NumberButton[12]; for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { numButtons[k] = new NumberButton("" + k); } numButtons[10] = new NumberButton("E"); numButtons[11] = new NumberButton("."); } @Override public void init() { } @Override public void start(Stage primary) { primary.setTitle("4280 RPN Calculator"); BorderPane bp = new BorderPane(); makeNumPad(); makeOpPad(); makeFunctionPad(); bp.setCenter(keyPad); bp.setTop(display); primary.setScene(new Scene(bp, 800, 500)); primary.show(); } private void makeOpPad() { HBox box = new HBox(); OpButton plusButton = new OpButton("+", (x, y) -> x + y); OpButton timesButton = new OpButton("*", (x, y) -> x*y); OpButton minusButton = new OpButton("-", (x, y) -> x - y); OpButton divideButton = new OpButton("/", (x, y) -> x/y); OpButton powButton = new OpButton("**", (x, y) -> Math.pow(x,y)); keyPad.add(plusButton, 3, 0); keyPad.add(minusButton, 3, 1); keyPad.add(timesButton, 3, 2); keyPad.add(divideButton, 3, 3); keyPad.add(powButton, 3, 4); } private void makeFunctionPad() { FunctionButton chsButton = new FunctionButton("(-)", x -> -x); keyPad.add(chsButton, 3,5); FunctionButton sineButton = new FunctionButton("sin", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return Math.sin(DEG2RAD*x); } else { return Math.sin(x); } }); keyPad.add(sineButton, 4,0); FunctionButton cosineButton = new FunctionButton("cos", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return Math.cos(DEG2RAD*x); } else { return Math.cos(x); } }); keyPad.add(cosineButton, 4,1); FunctionButton tangentButton = new FunctionButton("tan", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return Math.tan(DEG2RAD*x); } else { return Math.tan(x); } }); keyPad.add(tangentButton, 4,2); FunctionButton arcsineButton = new FunctionButton("asin", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return RAD2DEG* Math.asin(x); } else { return Math.asin(x); } }); keyPad.add(arcsineButton, 4,3); FunctionButton arccosineButton = new FunctionButton("acos", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return RAD2DEG* Math.acos(x); } else { return Math.acos(x); } }); keyPad.add(arccosineButton, 4,4); FunctionButton arctanButton = new FunctionButton("atan", x -> { if(mode == Mode.DEG) { return RAD2DEG* Math.atan(x); } else { return Math.atan(x); } }); keyPad.add(arctanButton, 4,5); } private void makeNumPad() { keyPad.setVgap(15); keyPad.setHgap(10); keyPad.add(numButtons[7], 0, 0); keyPad.add(numButtons[8], 1, 0); keyPad.add(numButtons[9], 2, 0); keyPad.add(numButtons[4], 0, 1); keyPad.add(numButtons[5], 1, 1); keyPad.add(numButtons[6], 2, 1); keyPad.add(numButtons[1], 0, 2); keyPad.add(numButtons[2], 1, 2); keyPad.add(numButtons[3], 2, 2); keyPad.add(numButtons[10], 0, 3); keyPad.add(numButtons[0], 1, 3); keyPad.add(numButtons[11], 2, 3); CalcButton enterButton = new CalcButton("ENTER"); enterButton.setOnAction( e -> { try { double item = Double.parseDouble(display.getText()); theStack.push(item); System.out.println(theStack); } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { //TODO: decide how to handle System.err.println("QUACK"); } finally { display.clear(); } }); keyPad.add(enterButton, 0, 4);//TODO make colpan of 2. GridPane.setColumnSpan(enterButton, 2); enterButton.setPrefSize(160, 50); CalcButton backspace = new CalcButton("<-"); keyPad.add(backspace, 2,4); backspace.setOnAction( e -> { int n = display.getText().length(); if(n > 0) { display.setText(display.getText().substring(0, n - 1)); } }); CalcButton clearButton = new CalcButton("C"); CalcButton clearEntryButton = new CalcButton("CE"); keyPad.add(clearButton, 0,5 ); keyPad.add(clearEntryButton, 1, 5 ); clearButton.setOnAction( e -> { theStack.clear(); display.clear(); doneEntering = false; }); clearEntryButton.setOnAction( e -> { display.clear(); }); CalcButton modeButton = new CalcButton("RAD"); modeButton.setOnAction( e -> { if(modeButton.getText().equals("RAD")) { modeButton.setText("DEG"); mode = Mode.DEG; } else { modeButton.setText("RAD"); mode = Mode.RAD; } }); keyPad.add(modeButton, 2, 5 ); FunctionButton sqrtButton = new FunctionButton("sqrt", Math::sqrt); keyPad.add(sqrtButton, 5, 0); } @Override public void stop() { } /************************Inner Classes***********/ class CalcButton extends Button { private String ch; public CalcButton(String ch) { super(ch); setStyle("-fx-font-size:16pt;-fx-font-family:'Comic Sans MS';-fx-text-weight:bold;"); setPrefSize(75,50); } } class NumberButton extends CalcButton { private final String ch; public NumberButton(String ch) { super(ch); this.ch = ch; setOnAction( e -> { if(doneEntering) { double d = Double.parseDouble(display.getText()); //TODO: we may need to catch this exception theStack.push(d); display.clear(); doneEntering = false; //put item in display onto the stack //clear display //then being number entering } //when the button is pushed, //the button's character is appended to the //textfield. display.setText(display.getText() + ch); }); } } class OpButton extends CalcButton { private String symbol; private DoubleBinaryOperator op; public OpButton(String symbol, DoubleBinaryOperator op) { super(symbol); this.op = op; setPrefSize(75, 50); setOnAction( e -> { try { double first = theStack.pop(); double second = Double.parseDouble(display.getText()); //TODO: handle NumberFormatException double result = op.applyAsDouble(first, second); display.setText("" + result); doneEntering = true; } catch(EmptyStackException ex) { //QUACK!!! //TODO: Is there a better way to handle this?` } }); } } class FunctionButton extends CalcButton { private DoubleUnaryOperator op; public FunctionButton(String symbol, DoubleUnaryOperator op) { super(symbol); this.op = op; setOnAction( e -> { double d = Double.parseDouble(display.getText()); display.setText("" + op.applyAsDouble(d)); doneEntering = true; }); } } }