Two things describe computers. They are
- fast: They can carry out 2 billion instructions in a second
- dumb: A computer only does precisely what it's told
Computers are dumb piles of switches.
Bits and Bytes
A bit is a 0 or 1, a binary digit. It is also the unit of information revealed by a fair coin flip.By convention:
- 0 is off
- 1 is on
A byte is 8 bits, this is the basic unit of memory in a computer.
- nibble: 4 bits, that's half a byte
- word: 32 or 64 bits. Your system is described by its word size.
Information is bits + context. Everything is stored as bits. The context is HOW they are read.
information = bits + contextNumbers
Problem Given collections of objects A and B, tell which has more times in it without counting.
Solution Pair them off.
- A could have leftovers: A is bigger
- B could have leftovers: B is bigger
- No leftovers: A and B have same size
This "same-sizeness" is the real, abstract notion of number.
The symbol 256 is a representation of a number. Our numbering system is a base system with a base of 10. This is because we have 10 fingers. We parse it as follows.
256 -> 2 units of 100, 5 units of 10, 6 units of 1.
parse(v.t.) to extract meaning from symbols
- 100000000 is a binary representation of the same number
- CCLVI is a Roman Numeral representation of the same number.
- This is the tally-mark representation of the same number:
256 = 2 units of 100, 5 units of 10, 6 units
Why 10? Because we have ten fingers! Computers don't have fingers. They are big dumb piles of switches that understand "on" an "off", or 0 and 1. Computers use a place value of 2 instead of ten.
How do we go between decimal and base 2 (binary) representations of numbers?
Greedy (bigendian) algoritm To count out an integer number of dollars in US currency with as few bills as possible you use this scheme: Use as many of the largest bill as you can. Then move down a denomination and repeat until it's all counted.
Let's use the greedy algorithm to count out $374.
- 3 benjaimins, $74 to go.
- 1 General grant, $24 to go.
- 1 handy andy, $4 to go.
- 2 deuces, done.
We can use this scheme to convert a decimal representation of a number to binary. The "denominations" are powers of 2.
Lets run the greedy algorithm on the decimal number 73.
1 1 0 use a 1 and we are done. 2 0 can't use a 2. 4 0 can't use a 4. 8 1 1 use an 8, 1 is left 16 0 can't use a 16. 32 0 can't use a 32. 64 1 9 use a 64, 9 is what's left. 128 0 73 cant use a 128 so we enter a 0 in the center.
Read UP, and the binary representation of 73 is 1001001. By convention we use this notation: 0b1001001.
This is the bigendian algorithm, because we go from the big end to the little.LittleEndian: next time