Block F

LittleEndian Method

3212 // 10 = 321
3212/ 10 = 321 r 2

341   *1
170   *01
85    *101
42    *0101
21    *10101
10    *010101
5     *1010101
2     *01010101
1     *101010101
0      101010101



1      4       0
6      4       4
36     3      28
216    4     136
1296   0    1000

Read UP:  1000 = 43446

1000      *4
166       *44
27        *344
4         *4344
0         4344

For Any Base

BigEndian Method

LittleEndian Method

Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers

Octal numbers are base 8, and hexadecimal is base 16.

0b10111010101011101 10 111 010 101 011 101 2 7 2 5 3 5 0o272535 (packing) Unpacking: 0o53325 10101101101010 base 16 alphabet = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, F} 1 0101 0101 0101 0110 1010 1010 1 5 5 5 6 A A → 0x15556AA Unpacking 0xff567 f f 5 6 7 1111 1111 0101 0110 0111 0b11111111010101100111

Everything is Bits!

This is an illusion. We will learn about the reality.


First, we do a hex dump.

0000000: 6162 6364 6566 6768 696a 6b6c 6e6e 6f70  abcdefghijklnnop
0000010: 7172 7374 7576 7778 797a 0a41 4243 4445  qrstuvwxyz.ABCDE
0000020: 4647 4849 4a4b 4c4e 4e4f 5051 5253 5455  FGHIJKLNNOPQRSTU
0000030: 5657 5859 5a0a 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839  VWXYZ.0123456789
0000040: 2140 2324 255e 262a 2829 5f2d 2b3d 3c3e  !@#$%^&*()_-+=<>
0000050: 0a                                       .

The first colum contains the first byte number for each line, starting at 0. The second line begins with byte 0x10 = 16.

In the middle, the bye values for each character are shown. At the end of the line the characters are displayed.

The character a has byte value 0x61 = 97. The character b has byte value 0x62 = 98. The character c has byte value 0x63 = 99.

The byte values for the lower-case letters are encoded in seriatum. The upper-case letters being wth A at 0x41 = 65. Each upper case letter hs a byte values 32 lower than its lower-case counterpart. This means they only differ in the 32s bit. Now lets see the bits in the file. Here is a binary dump of the file

0000000: 01100001 01100010 01100011 01100100 01100101 01100110  abcdef
0000006: 01100111 01101000 01101001 01101010 01101011 01101100  ghijkl
000000c: 01101110 01101110 01101111 01110000 01110001 01110010  nnopqr
0000012: 01110011 01110100 01110101 01110110 01110111 01111000  stuvwx
0000018: 01111001 01111010 00001010 01000001 01000010 01000011  yz.ABC
000001e: 01000100 01000101 01000110 01000111 01001000 01001001  DEFGHI
0000024: 01001010 01001011 01001100 01001110 01001110 01001111  JKLNNO
000002a: 01010000 01010001 01010010 01010011 01010100 01010101  PQRSTU
0000030: 01010110 01010111 01011000 01011001 01011010 00001010  VWXYZ.
0000036: 00110000 00110001 00110010 00110011 00110100 00110101  012345
000003c: 00110110 00110111 00111000 00111001 00100001 01000000  6789!@
0000042: 00100011 00100100 00100101 01011110 00100110 00101010  #$%^&*
0000048: 00101000 00101001 01011111 00101101 00101011 00111101  ()_-+=
000004e: 00111100 00111110 00001010                             <>.

Observe that the character 0 has byte value 0x30 = 48.

Now see what the computer sees.


If you are observant, you will see I added a final byte: 11111111; this is the end of file byte.


Color is stored in 24 bits. The first byte is red, the second is green, and the third is blue. Use the JavaScript app to type in six-digit hex code and see their colors. A fourth byte is devoted to alpha, or transparence. Even colors are just ... bits.