23 March 2021

Number Theory, Continued

Last time we learned about the relation | on integers. We defined d|a if d divides into a evenly. In Python we test for this using the predicate a%d == 0. We also know that for any integer d, d | 0 and that for any integer a, 1|a and -1|a.

Hence we can ignore sign when looking at divisibility. However we will place our focus on nonnegative integers.

If a and b are integers that are not both 0, we define gcd(a,b) to be the greatest common divisor of If a and b. Such a thing exists for two reason. Firstly, 1 is a divisor of all integers, so any pair of integers has 1 as a common divisor. Secondly, for any integers a b, all common divisors must occur between 1 and min(a,b). So, we can loop through these numbers and find the common divisor that is the largest.

This python function will check to see if d is a common divisor a and b

def is_common_divisor(d, a, b):
    return a%d == 0 and b%d == 0

So here is one way to compute a gcd.

def gcd(a,b):
    if a == 0 and b == 0:
        raise ValueError
    a = abs(a)
    b = abs(b)  ##throw out signs
    n = min(a,b)
    out = 1
    for k in range(2, n+1):
        if is_common_divisor(k, a b):
            out = k
    return out

This algorithm is O(n) because it is at worst proportional to the size of the problem. You have to perform all of the checks from 2 to n - 1. However, there is a smarter way to do this.

Euclid's Algorithm

Last Time We learned that if b = a*q + r that gcd(b,a) = gcd(a,r).

We also know this is true for all integers b and a with the proviso that a != 0.

b = a*(b//a) + b%a
b = 374
a = 21

b //a = 17
b % a = 17

21*17 + 17
357 + 17

gcd(1088, 150)  = gcd(150, 38)
                = gcd(38, 36)
                = gcd(36, 2)
                = gcd(2, 0) = 2
b      a         r = (b%a)
150  = 1088(0) + 150  
1088 = 150(7) + 38
150  = 38(3)  + 36
38   = 36(1)  +  2
36   = 2(18)  +  0

13 = 8*1 + 5
8  = 5*1 + 3
5  = 3*1 + 2
3  = 2*1 + 1
2  = 1*2 + 0

F_n roughly equal to 1/sqrt(5)*( (1 + sqrt(5))/2)**n
fibonacci numbers are the slowest
they grow exponentially.
So euclid resolves in O(log(n)) time

Prime Numbers

An integer is prime if its only divisors are 1 and itself.

                        /   \
                       2   122
                           /  \
                          2   61

        244 = 2*2*61

Start at 2. see if n%2 == 0; if not


Nice example in a video