2 February 2021

Interfaces and Inheritance We are going to cover this in detail before function-like objects

java.nio.file This, along with try-with-resources, is the new and better way to do fileIO. One plus: files close automatically.

Old Business Let's do the bozo sort. It is idiotic; you shuffle the items and check if they are in order. If not, repeat.

from random import shuffle
def is_in_order(x):  #x is a list. Return True iff x is an ascending order.
    y = x[0]
    for i in x:
        if i < y:
            return False
        y = i
    return True
def bozo(x):
    while not is_in_order(x):
x = list(range(10))

The mean time to resolution is O(n!) It is hopeless to sort more than a few elements in this manner. We did this for ten elements in class and it was miserably slow.

Computing Powers

def motteler(x, n):   #O(n)
    if n < 0:
        x = 1/x
        n = -n
    y = x
    while n > 1:
        x *= y
        n -= 1
    return x

def boyer(x, n): #x is a number, n is integer  O(log(n))
    sign = True
    if n < 0:
        sign = False
        n = -n
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    g = 1
    s = x
    while g * 2 < n:
        s = s*s
        g = g*2
    while g < n:
        s = s * x
        g += 1
    if sign:
        return s
        return 1/s    

print(boyer(4,5) == 1024)
print(boyer(1.00001, 100000))

Exercise Convering bases using bigendian and littleendian methods

The BigEndian Algorithm

def big_endian(n, b):
    """prec: n is a nonnegative integer, b is a positive integer and 2 <= n <= 16.
postc:  returns a string with the base b representation of n

The LittleEndian Algorithm

def little_endian(n, b):
    """prec: n is a nonnegative integer, b is a positive integer and 2 <= n <= 16.
postc:  returns a string with the base b representation of n

Bubbly goodness!

The Euclidean Algorithm

Theorem: suppose a, b, q and r are integers and that b = a*q + r.

Then gcd(a,b) = gcd(a, r)

gcd(49, 14) = 7

gcd(902358093285908325, 23590349349234983245)o

                 /   \
                2   112
                   /   \
                  4    28 - 2
                 / \   |\
                2   2  7 2

         224 = 7*2*2*2*2*2
         140 = 7*5*2*2
         gcd(224, 140) = 28

         224 = 140(1) + 84    gcd(224,140) = gcd(140,84)
         140 = 84(1) +  56    gcd(140, 84) = gcd(84, 56)
         84  = 56(1) +  28    gcd(84, 56) = gcd(56, 28)
         56  = 28(2) +   0    gcd(56, 28) = gcd(28, 0)  = 28

 proof of theorem

     b = a*q + r

     suppose d divides a and b evenly
     Write a = s*d, b = t*d
     r = b - a*q = t*d - s*d*q = d(t - s*q)  d divides r evenly.

     By a similar argument, every commond divisor of a and r is a divisor of b.

     Hence, gcd(a,b) = gcd(a,r).

     A little diophanatine fun:

     Theorem.   If a and b are integers, then theere are integers
     x and y so a*x + b*y = gcd(a,b).

         224 = 140(1) + 84   
         140 = 84(1) +  56   
         84  = 56(1) +  28   start here
         56  = 28(2) +   0  

        28 = 84 - 56(1)
           = 84 - (140 - 84)
           = 84*2 - 140
           = (224 - 140)*2 - 140
           = 224*2 - 140*3
           = 224*2 + 140*(-3)

           -->  (2,-3)

      slowest case: two adjacent fibonacci numbers

Little endian method:


731   *5
121   *15
20    *215
3     *3215
0     3215

      3    2    1   5
   6      18  120 726
      3   20  121 731

      a     b       c         d
   x       ax  ax^2 + bx
      a  ax + b  ax^2 + bx + c  ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d.

 def convert(n, b):
    return a string with a base-b representation of n. 1 

    4 1 9 6 7|
    1 4 9 6 7|
    1 4 6 9 7|
    1 4 6 7|9   largest bubbles to the top
    1 4 6|7 9

n - 1 + n - 2 + n - 3 + .... 1 = n(n-1)/2 = O(n^2)

Some Questions for You