Block F

Hashable Objects in Python Mutable objects are not hashable. You might ask why. Hash function usually depend on object state. So if state changes, the hash function could change, violating the consistency specification. How do you see if something is hashable? Call the hash function on it.


Primtive notion:  x ∈ A
Specify a set iwth a list {3, "cat", True, 4.5}
Or with a rule:
    {x an integer, x%2 == 0}  (even integers)

Stupid Set (You will later write this in Java)

Great idea: start up a list presented with new element, we check the list for element's presence (this is O(n) "at worst proprotional to n") if found: ignore it if not found: add it to the list.`

A Little Math

Hashing and Sets Here is why retrieval from a set is fast.

A ∪ B  = union
A ∩ B  = intersection
