3 February 2022

Housekeeping Tomorrow, there is a short quiz on conversions. Do the convert assignment in Canvas to practice it. That assignment should take less than half an hour. You will also get a chance to practice this in today's Practicepalooza.

Monday there will be a reading quiz on numbers.pdf.

I have a mailbox in the engineering suite. When you come into the engineering suite, it's just to the right.

There will be ample availibility for initial meetings tomorrow. A Canvas announcement has been made about today.

Cool Forum Cybersecurity, 5:30 Tuesday, Engineering classroom 002. If you have an interest in this hot field, this is a great way to learn about it and to learn something about computer security.

Octal and Hex Numbers

The Littleendian Method

illustration of endianness an eggs

Packing-Unpacking Procedure

A Base Changing Practicepalooza I will put some examples up on the board and you can try them with your favorite method. Grok this and the quiz will be an easy-peasy affair.

Hex Numbers and Colors Download colorDemo.zip from the navigation bar on the left. Decompress it and open the files with VSCode. Look in the CSS file, and you will see this.

/*Author: Morrison*/
h1, h2, .display

Change the 6-digit hex number inside of the body style rule. Then, in your browser, choose File → Open... and open the HTML file.

Playing with Pythons

Not this.

Python digesting Bambi

But this.

cast of Monty Python

What is an object? An object is an item stored in memory. Objects have three attributes.

All data in Python are represented as objects. Python, like every other language, has a type ecosystem. In this portion of the course, we will being by learning about Python's scalar types. Later, we will address sequences, sets, and dictionaries.

The Number Types