4 February 2022

The conversion quiz is in canvas. If you want to show work, you have the option of submitting on paper. Please put your NAME on the paper if you elect to do this!

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Python Scalar Types We have met the basic scalar (non-collection) types in Python. Here is the scheme.

Python Scalar Types
int the integer value being stored Integers respond to arithmetic operators using the Wormwoodean order of operations.
floatthe floating-point value being stored Floats respond to arithmetic operators using the Wormwoodean order of operations.
complexthe complex value value being storedComplex numbers respond to arithmetic operators using the Wormwoodean order of operations.
bool True or False. These respond to the boolean operators not, and, and or.
str The character sequence within the string These respond + (concatenation), *(int) (repetition), an have methods such as upper() and lower().

All Python scalar types are immutible; once created their state is not changeable. We will see how this makes sense when we discuss variables.


What is a memory address?

Two kinds of memory

What do variables actually store?


Symbol Tables.

Variables are typeless names.