31 January 2022

Welcome to 4240!

Watt Ewe Knead 2 No Here are some basic things about this class.

Pods We will create pods today. You were asked to put your email name on a slip of paper when you came in. We will use a randomization procedure to determine the pods in this class. Get to know your podmates. If you miss class, ask one of them to debrief you on the day's proceedings and any announcements made in class. Your pod assignment is in podsB.php or podsF.php.

Beginning of Term Assignment This is listed in Canvas. See beginningOfTerm.php for particulars. Get Python installed. And download the Academic Honesty Agreement. I rarely ask you to print anything, but you are required to print, read, understand, sign and date this agreement and submit it to me. You are bound by its conditions.

Download This We will begin by discussing numbers and their representations. This is essential mathematical background for understanding what is going on in this class. This is your first reading assignment.

Do-Now Assignment Make a directory (this is what I call folders) on your computer for this class. Save all items relating to this class in this directory or one of its subdirectories. This way, it is easy to back up your work in this class and to find things so you can submit them on Canvas. It is a smart idea to read this fs.pdf. Its advice can save you untold misery and agita.