9 May 2022

Functional Interfaces

A functional interface is an interface that specifies exactly on method. Functional interfaces may also have one or more default methods.

Functional ObjectsLet us begin with the functional inteface Consumer<T>. It specfies exactly one method

public void accept(T t)

This takes an object of type T and performs some side-effect operation with it.

Why this distinction? Java has a means of creating anonymous function called lambdas.

A Python Moment

Java Lambda Syntax

x -> x*x This is a squaring function. It has a tacit return x*x;
(double x) -> x*x This squaring function insists its argument be a double. It also has a tacit return statement
(x, y) -> x + y This is the addition function, with a tacit return.
(int x) ->     
    y = x*x;
    return y;
This is a multiline lambda. It must have an explicit return statement. It also insists its argument be an integer.

forEach and Lambdas